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4 incredibly important announcements for NARAM attendees:
1. R&D Schedule Online http://naram56.org/index.php/contest-info/r-d-schedule
2. Motor checkin for B Cluster Altitude is in the hotel lobby from now until 7:30 p.m. Thank our volunteers Dave & Barb Moser for doing this!
3. Prang Film Viewing is at 8:30 in the C-West room (same room as auction, etc.)
4. Due to most of the first shift range duty showing up late the last 2 days, range duty call for first shift is 7:30 for the remaining days of the contest week. Please be on time so the range is ready to run at 8:00 a.m. sharp.
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After feedback, we've moved the range schedule around a little bit. Going forward, we expect this to be the final range duty roster, but things always change a little bit. Also, we have the preliminary data entry started, and you are welcome to check and make sure your section affiliation is correct.
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We've started a twitter account for fast updates during NARAM week. https://twitter.com/naram56
We hope to not update about bad weather, but we might. We may tweet about other activities and schedule changes throughout the day. Maybe we'll even tweet some prizes to the first person to respond. Who knows!