07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

4 incredibly important announcements for NARAM attendees:

1. R&D Schedule OnlineĀ http://naram56.org/index.php/contest-info/r-d-schedule

2. Motor checkin for B Cluster Altitude is in the hotel lobby from now until 7:30 p.m. Thank our volunteers Dave & Barb Moser for doing this!

3. Prang Film Viewing is at 8:30 in the C-West room (same room as auction, etc.)

4. Due to most of the first shift range duty showing up late the last 2 days, range duty call for first shift is 7:30 for the remaining days of the contest week. Please be on time so the range is ready to run at 8:00 a.m. sharp.