07.26.2014 8:00 Time to Fly!

Rocketeer Log In/Out

At NARAM-56, we will hold HPR Upscale H through K per the  HPR Sporting Code.  We will have 2 divisions for all the HPR Fun events, senior and junior (anyone under 18 as of July 1st, 2013). NAR members that have their Junior L1 certification are welcome to compete as long as they follow the rules for Junior L1 fliers.

HPR Upscale - per the HPR Contest Code. Models must be turned in for display on Saturday evening, flown on Sunday only. Voting will take place on Saturday, the results will be secret until after flying on Sunday. The five 'aspects' chosen to focus on are: 


  1. Paint scheme
  2.  Decals and markings
  3.  General outline
  4.  Maintaining unique entry features (staging, recovery)
  5. Original kit's popularity

 Models must make a safe flight to be considered for placing, multiple attempts are allowed.