Monday August 2nd 2004 First day of Competition ! Pages Today is the first day of Competition ! 1/2a Helicopter Duration - A Boost Glider Duration and B Eg Loft Duration. There was also a Make it Take it with Deltie Gliders from Edmonds Aerospace and Balsa Machining Service. Some sport flying and the Town Hall meeting which also ran LIVE on the webcam! The all important precious eggs. The simulated "astronauts" for the lofting contest ! Check in Got some questions ? Bob Kaplow checking in a Helicopter model. The timer pit. The tools of the timers. Pad Assignment. more victums errr contestants checking in :-) LCO Launch Control Officer RSO Rang Safety Officer. the big boy. the man in charge an odd but cool to watch Helicopter entry. yes it did spin quite nicely in fact :-) Kaplow gets ready. Thomas Beach in charges of Sport Rocketry lends a hand. Kaplow wiring up his rocket. Strettttcccchhh for it !! Nice Egg Lofter A connected "Tornado" as a helicopter model. The "Team" heads out to the pads. A Booster glider is readied for flight. Helicopter Another Glider Georges gets his tower ready to go. George gets his FAI style Helicopter model ready (the LARGE rotors are INSIDE that transparent orange tube which is hand rolled FIBERGLASS tubing ! the whole model weighs a quarter or less of what most Helicopter models weigh (he won 1st place) |