
01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - Town Hall 01 - 02 - Contest - Vids

Bob Kaplow prepares his glider. Sadly this one Red Barroned in this means the "streamer" tangled into the glider forcing both parts down ungracefully.

THIS is cool. Note the size of that model (A Engine powered) Note what is in his left hand. thats right a Radio Controlled Transmitter. this is a RADIO CONTROLLED Rocket Glider !! VERY cool !! sadly it had problems. a misbehaving Rudder servo almost cost him the model but I believe it was recovered undamaged. Bleeding Edge glider tech here. 1.6 gram servos and a 3 gram reciever. put it this way. BOTH servos and the reciever are just a 1.2 grams heavier than a Nickel you probably have in your pocket right now !! (Nickel weighs 5 grams)

Working on the rudder problem.

Calling into a recovery team to keep and eye on the model that is about to be launched so they can track and recover it more easily.

Off to the make it take it. Here is where the models are built.

Critters fast at work on the Edmods Deltie Boost gliders which they will then take over to the contest range or sport range to fly !!

Making sure its all balanced properly.

Test fitting the pop pod.

An Egg Lofter makes it down to where we are.

Deviled Eggs !

Off to the sport range. LCO controller box.

Checking out a model.

Most definately enjoying herself !

Preparing her freshly build deltie (flew quite nicely too!)

A model comes in nice and close. Short walk to recover this one.
