
01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - Vids

Don't forget you need the DIVX codec to see these. The original files are 75.0MB total these are only 13.1MB total HUGE difference ! because of Divx I can upload ALL of the videos for you to enjoy instead of just a fraction of them.

243 Unknow High Power Launch

238 Phoenix - D12-5

236c George Gassaway 2 Stage Saucer

236b Unknown Mod Roc

236a Unknown Mod Roc

236 Estes Sky Writer (Alex ??)

00000250 Impulse Buys

00000249 BIll from BMS (he really hates videos :-)

00000248 Peter Alway - Saturn Press

00000247 Jim Flis - Flis Kits

00000246 Semroc

00000245 Klyde Morris Cartoons and Rockets

00000244 High Power Recovery

00000239 Bob Kaplow Happy Meal