August 4th 2006

Here are the Contest Results from Scale - Fantasy Fiction - Research & Developement

The next Page contains the MEET and NATIONAL Results


Place Contestant NAR Number Section Prototype Static Flight 1 Flight 2 Total NAR Points
A Division
1 Steele, Cassidy 81474 506 Sandia Sandhawk 492 100
592 1590
2 Steele, Kaitlyn 80121 506 Sandia Sandhawk 485 85 105 590 954
3 Boadway, Amanda 82337 500 Sonda 1 412 90
502 636
4 Kaplow, Rachel 83988 683 Astrobee D 388 85
473 318
5 Triggs, James 85293 506 X-15 224 82
306 159
B Division
1 Steele, Cody 46810 506 Sandia Sandhawk 479 110
589 1590
2 Steele, Caroline 78080 506 Sandia Sandhawk 483 95
578 954
3 Filler, Matt 71947 139 Kappa 01-K-9M 429 90
519 636
C Division
1 Koenn, Robert 19196 342 Astrobee 1500 711 100
811 1590
2 Ring, Chad 50652 519 Aerobee 350 657 89
746 954
3 Iwamoto, Ross 20059 430 Saturn V 622 98
720 636
4 Dipasquale, Bruno 73505 481 Black Brant X 584 UNS 90 674 318
5 Latham, Jerry 76482 506 Saturn 1B 557 95
652 159
6 Filler, Jim 27862 139 Kappa 9M 413 100
513 159
7 Kaplow, Bob 18L 683 IQSY Tomahawk 400 55
455 159
8 Elliott, Adam 62456 117 Delta II 0 35 80 80 159
-- McReynolds, Marc 11769 430 KSR-III 745 UNS
0 0
T Division
1 The Flying I-Beam Kids T-473 473 Aerobee 350 762 102
864 1590
2 Spanish Inquisition T-111 464 Redstone Missile 771 90
861 954
3 Bumbling Bros. F. C. T-011 500 Saturn 1 Block 2 707 94
801 636
4 Southern Neutron T-553 519 Little Joe II 664 120
784 318
5 Why Us? T-109 519 Nike Tomahawk 574 98
672 159
6 Pod Bay Doors T-201 506 TCMP-2B 514 145
659 159
7 Mostly Harmful T-609 139 Black Brant IIIB 530 91
621 159
8 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 Astrobee 1500 521 94
615 159
9 Round Tuit T-500 500 Astrobee 1500 440 100
540 159

Science Fiction and Future Scale

Place Contestant NAR Number Section Prototype Static Flight 1 Flight 2 Total NAR Points
A Division
1 Steele, Kaitlyn 80121 506 ATK Crew Launch Vehicle 590 94 UNS 684 994
2 Boadway, Amanda 82337 500 Thunderstar 495 125
620 596
3 Anthony-Ceres, Ryan 82918 482 Josie's Spaceship 320 100
420 398
4 Triggs, James 85293 506 DC-Y 120 100
220 199
-- Steele, Cassidy 81474 506 Star Wars X-Wing 630 UNS
0 0
B Division
1 Filler, Matt 71947 139 Thunderstar 680 135
815 994
2 Steele, Caroline 78080 506 ATK Crew Launch Vehicle 475 100
575 596
2 Steele, Cody 46810 506 ATK Crew Launch Vehicle 475 100
575 596
C Division
1 Ring, Chad 50652 519 ARES V 760 NVB 215 975 994
2 Dipasquale, Bruno 73505 481 Myst Island 780 110
890 596
3 Filler, Jim 27862 139 Gauchito 670 100
770 398
4 Anthony, Russ 81741 482 Athena 480 93
573 199
5 Canino, Bruce 39989 593 Cosmos Mariner Space Plane 405 NDP 150 555 99
6 Latham, Jerry 76482 506 X-20 300 95
395 99
7 Elliott, Adam 62456 117 A23 100 120 125 225 99
-- Koenn, Robert 19196 342 ARES 5 490 UNS
0 0
T Division
1 Southern Neutron T-553 519 Titan II / Dynasoar X-20 685 200
885 994
2 Bumbling Bros. F. C. T-011 500 Titan IIIC/DynaSoar (X-20) 730 105
835 596
3 The Flying I-Beam Kids T-473 473 Mars Return Rocket from "Conquest of Space" 715 110
825 398
4 Spanish Inquisition T-111 464 Mercury Thor 715 90
805 199
5 Round Tuit T-500 500 Canadian Arrow 675 100
775 99
6 Pod Bay Doors T-201 506 X-Wing Fighter from "Star Wars" 575 85
660 99
7 Mostly Harmful T-609 139 Spaceship from "Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space" 540 110
650 99
8 Why Us? T-109 519 LUNA from "Destination Moon" 510 103
613 99

Research and Development

Place Contestant NAR Number Section Project Total NAR Points
A Division
1 Steele, Kaitlyn 80121 506 Experimental Determination of Drag Coefficients 1 1789
2 Steele, Cassidy 81474 506 Finding a Better Parachute Protector 2 1074
B Division
1 Filler, Matt 71947 139 Helicopter Blade Stops vs Limit Lines 1 1789
2 Steele, Cody 46810 506 Ejection Charge Variability 2 1074
3 Steele, Caroline 78080 506 Comparisons in Duration of Parachute Types 3 716
4 Henderson, Tom 85313 139 Piston-Driven Translating Wing 4 358
C Division
1 Hillson, Doug 61624 205 Autonomous Rocket or Boost Glider 1 1789
2 Ring, Chad 50652 519 Flexible Spider Motor Ignition System 2 1074
T Division
1 Southern Neutron T-553 519 Improving Reliability of Pop-Pod Boost Gliders by use of Spooler Pods and Cast "L" Hooks 1 1789
2 Bumbling Bros. F. C. T-011 500 Internet Curriculum Resources for Model Rocketry in Education 2 1074

Meet and National Results