August 2nd 2006

The Second Chad Missle firing its ejection charge :-)


This was Spectacular and I was extremely lucky to catch it in camera ! its actually quite beautiful. you can see the model is still stable and thrusting straight up and in the second one look at the TOP the motor is still burning and its continuing to go up. I have no idea what has happened here. I want to say Drag Sep but its still under thrust and from what I saw the top of the Tube was still intact ? Suggestions ?

My VidRoc on a Road Runner G80-10R

NICE Motor. One of my tube fins was Seperated from the Main body tube during transport to Naram but still firmly attached to its sister tubes and at the time I had no glue so I ignored it. It was fine for 4 Flight on F20 and G20 motors but the G80 was fast enough to cause an issue. When you get to the Videos Page check it out. you can see the disconnected Tube Fin WARP and tear off taking 2 other tube fins with it (pic below) VERY cool video. it did a dance in the sky stabilized (even 2 Tube fins is enough to make this model stable and it had 3 left) and continued on its way :-) if your using Media Plaer hit CTRL+SHIFT+S to make it run slower (CTRL+SHIFT+N) to return to normal speed.

This model has a bunch of teeny tiny helicopter peices inside.

Sadly this model pranged but survived nearly unscathed!
Damien tried to demonstrate how DEEPLY it stuck into the ground (3-4 inches!)

I wanted soo badly to shoot this model but the Switch on the launch controller was jammed or shorted so the moment he ARMED the system it launched the Rocket Grrr hopefully will get another shot tommorrow at it !

On the right is the new Quest ARF Boost Glider.

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