NARAM 2000/42 Final Event Standings
Here are the final results from NARAM
2000. I know it's not the best possible format - I'm working on it as
time permits. We did want to at least get the information out there. If
you would like to download a text file version, you can do so here. |
This file is best viewed with a fixed-width font (like Courier on a wide screen (120 characters).
1/4A Parachute Duration Multi-round
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Flt 3 Total NAR Points
1 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind 51 MAX MAX 171 568
2 Mary Wolf 46379 558 MAX 41 MAX 161 341
3 Fritz Langford 69886 205 MAX 32 MAX 152 227
4 Joey Puryear 75677 482 MAX 42 23 125 114
5 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 MAX 51 SEP 111 57
6 Randy Chambers 76048 482 MAX 39 UNS 99 57
8 James Brower 61838 205 SEP MAX 17 77 57
9 James Johnson 59266 427 12 17 13 42 57
10 Eric Johnson 75516 430 10 10 57
11 Seth Cochran 77633 576 NDP 5 5 57
X Elise Coit 76241 Ind SEP 0 0
X Paul Saunders 76742 534 UNS 0 0
X Davey Willson Pending 482 SEP 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Flt 3 Total NAR Points
1 Paul Gray 71199 482 MAX MAX 49 169 568
2 Rachel Brower 63976 205 51 MAX 35 146 341
3 Andrew Lyzenga 76839 538 51 32 44 127 227
4 Ellis Langford 58002 205 38 25 MAX 123 114
5 Carl Johnson 75515 430 52 46 11 109 57
6 Katyee Buckley 74318 551 39 EJ MAX 99 57
7 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 SEP 46 44 90 57
8 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 31 45 SEP 76 57
9 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 SEP MAX UNS 60 57
10 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 18 18 57
11 James Snow 74254 482 UNS UNS 8 8 57
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Flt 3 Total NAR Points
1 David Lyle 69845 558 MAX MAX MAX 263 568
2 Mel Gray 72053 482 MAX MAX MAX 249 341
3 Rod Schafer 36564 473 MAX MAX MAX 217 227
4 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 MAX MAX MAX 195 114
5 Trip Barber 4322 205 MAX MAX MAX 180 57
6 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 54 MAX MAX 174 57
7 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind MAX 40 MAX 160 57
8 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 55 41 MAX 156 57
9 Adam Elliott 62456 117 MAX MAX 21 141 57
10 Michael Maurer 18143 Ind MAX 28 46 134 57
11 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 MAX 13 MAX 133 57
11 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 47 57 29 133 57
11 Gregory Elder 56644 515 15 58 MAX 133 57
12 John Viggiano 25615 136 MAX 38 29 127 57
13 Chad Ring 50652 519 57 MAX 8 125 57
13 Larry Rice 33323 113 30 MAX 35 125 57
14 Richard Hyman 10841 482 SEP MAX MAX 120 57
14 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 MAX MAX SEP 120 57
15 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 SEP 56 MAX 116 57
16 James Hitchens 77774 515 19 36 MAX 115 57
17 Jim Stum 73208 540 20 30 MAX 110 57
18 Carl Johnson 75515 430 MAX 14 34 108 57
18 Richard Freed 24586 473 34 55 19 108 57
19 Dale Greene 12464 503 MAX 34 SEP 94 57
20 Abigail Chang 70954 568 10 41 36 87 57
21 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind 28 41 9 78 57
22 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 38 32 DQ 70 57
22 John Buckley 62317 551 39 31 SEP 70 57
23 Frank Hunt 36424 523 20 45 65 57
24 Steve Foster 72814 473 MAX UNS 60 57
24 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind DQ MAX UNS 60 57
24 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 MAX EJ 60 57
25 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 42 13 55 57
26 Michael Pearson 70953 568 15 22 16 53 57
27 John Hochheimer 74537 205 45 SEP 45 57
28 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 24 13 6 43 57
29 Ted Mahler 18184 308 9 6 22 37 57
30 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 15 19 34 57
31 Krista Brown 62024 519 SEP 32 32 57
32 Fred Williams 14198 523 7 23 30 57
33 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 29 UNS 29 57
34 Chris Taylor 73586 439 6 22 UNS 28 57
35 David Schultz 3941 308 26 26 57
36 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 18 7 25 57
37 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 12 8 4 24 57
38 David Urbanek 73974 523 10 13 23 57
39 Robert Wingate 35396 505 17 EJ 17 57
40 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 8 8 EJ 16 57
41 Kathy Hart 48760 282 11 SEP 11 57
42 Stewart McNabb 14002 551 7 7 57
43 James Basler 36808 577 4 4 57
X David Hanson 75504 482 SEP 0 0
X Nathan Coit 76240 Ind SEP 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Flt 3 Total NAR Points
1 Why Us? T-109 519 MAX MAX MAX 180 568
2 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 MAX 38 MAX 158 341
and The Ugly
3 Team Demolition T-711 519 MAX MAX 31 151 227
4 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 MAX MAX 29 149 114
Space Modulators
5 Dad & Lad T-089 585 42 28 55 125 57
6 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 MAX 40 20 120 57
6 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 MAX MAX EJ 120 57
7 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 MAX 40 9 109 57
8 August Sky T-723 Ind 25 MAX SEP 85 57
9 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 21 SEP 45 66 57
10 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 SEP 41 41 57
11 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 NDP 36 NDP 36 57
12 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 20 20 57
13 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 17 17 57
13 Kealakekua T-098 205 SEP 17 17 57
14 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 15 15 57
Flying Circus
B Streamer Duration
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 James Brower 61838 205 159 154 313 464
2 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 108 198 306 279
3 Eric Johnson 75516 430 144 95 239 186
4 Mary Wolf 46379 558 141 67 208 93
5 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 78 104 182 46
6 Fritz Langford 69886 205 SEP 133 133 46
7 Erin Wingate 63516 505 43 69 112 46
8 David Tietz 65139 113 35 39 74 46
9 Russell Kaehler 77523 568 33 40 73 46
10 James Johnson 59266 427 34 22 56 46
11 Davey Willson Pending 482 55 0 55 46
12 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind 54 EJ 54 46
13 Seth Cochran 77633 576 SEP 45 45 46
14 Joey Puryear 75677 482 41 EJ 41 46
15 Allen Cass 75469 427 15 17 32 46
16 Paul Saunders 76742 534 SEP 46 NR 0 46
16 Holly Johnson 75517 430 0 NR 29 NR 0 46
X Russell Coit 76528 Ind SEP SEP 0 0
X Elise Coit 76241 Ind SEP 0 0
X Randy Chambers 76048 482 UNS UNS 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Rachel Brower 63976 205 206 267 473 464
2 Paul Gray 71199 482 146 232 378 279
3 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 114 74 188 186
4 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 152 SEP 152 93
5 Katyee Buckley 74318 551 37 36 73 46
6 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 71 SEP 71 46
7 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 25 23 48 46
X Pierre Miller 64378 117 94 NR 82 NR FP 46
X James Snow 74254 482 UNS 0 0
X Ellis Langford 58002 205 SEP SEP 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 130 540 670 464
2 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 168 270 438 279
3 David Schultz 3941 308 220 179 399 186
4 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 75 321 396 93
5 Chad Ring 50652 519 162 218 380 46
6 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind 113 263 376 46
7 Jim Stum 73208 540 95 273 368 46
8 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind 299 66 365 46
9 John Viggiano 25615 136 102 237 339 46
10 Steve Foster 72814 473 192 142 334 46
11 Mel Gray 72053 482 171 157 328 46
12 Krista Brown 62024 519 155 144 299 46
13 Stewart McNabb 14002 551 149 137 286 46
14 Adam Elliott 62456 117 124 105 229 46
15 David Urbanek 73974 523 38 180 218 46
16 Ted Mahler 18184 308 94 113 207 46
17 Richard Freed 24586 473 95 80 175 46
18 John Buckley 62317 551 62 107 169 46
19 Richard Hyman 10841 482 95 66 161 46
20 Chris Taylor 73586 439 NDP 156 156 46
21 Gregory Elder 56644 515 57 78 135 46
22 Kathy Hart 48760 282 57 74 131 46
23 Rod Schafer 36564 473 130 UNS 130 46
24 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 UNS 120 120 46
24 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 59 61 120 46
25 David Lyle 69845 558 UNS 118 118 46
26 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 25 91 116 46
27 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 0 113 113 46
28 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 92 SEP 92 46
29 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind UNS 81 81 46
30 Michael Pearson 70953 568 39 36 75 46
31 Abigail Chang 70954 568 32 31 63 46
31 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind 63 UNS 63 46
32 David Hanson 75504 482 57 UNS 57 46
33 James Hitchens 77774 515 54 NDP 54 46
34 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 EJ 52 52 46
35 Larry Rice 33323 113 SEP 47 47 46
36 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 SHR 44 44 46
37 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 42 SEP 42 46
38 Mark Kaehler 75857 568 21 17 38 46
39 Fred Williams 14198 523 33 33 46
X Trip Barber 4322 205 129 NR FP 46
X James Basler 36808 577 21 NR FP 46
X Michael Maurer 18143 Ind 42 NR FP 46
X John Hochheimer 74537 205 EJ 28 NR FP 46
X Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 235 NR FP 46
X Frank Hunt 36424 523 UNS 67 NR FP 46
X Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 0 NR FP 46
X Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind SEP SEP 0 0
X Donna Johnson 75514 430 SEP SEP 0 0
X Dale Greene 12464 503 UNS 0 0
X Carl Johnson 75515 430 SEP 0 0
X Nathan Coit 76240 Ind SEP 0 0
X Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 SEP SEP 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 182 202 384 464
2 Kealakekua T-098 205 151 226 377 279
3 Team Demolition T-711 519 145 105 250 186
4 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 94 86 180 93
and The Ugly
5 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 81 72 153 46
6 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 58 66 124 46
7 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 81 29 110 46
Space Modulators
8 Why Us? T-109 519 101 0 101 46
9 Dad & Lad T-089 585 82 0 82 46
10 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 48 48 46
Flying Circus
X August Sky T-723 Ind 59 NR 306 NR FP 46
X Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 NDP 77 NR FP 46
X Paranoid Androids T-482 482 NDP 0 0
X Southern Cruetron T-553 519 SEP SEP 0 0
X CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 SEP UNS 0 0
X Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 SHR SEP 0 0
4 x A Cluster Altitude
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 299 295 299 826
2 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 218 218 495
3 Mary Wolf 46379 558 199 199 330
4 Kevin Fossey 77396 Ind UNS 195 195 165
5 Holly Johnson 75517 430 134 166 166 83
5 Eric Johnson 75516 430 SHR TL 0 83
X Joey Puryear 75677 482 UNS 0 0
X Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 DQ 0 0
X Randy Chambers 76048 482 UNS NDP 0 0
X James Brower 61838 205 UNS UNS 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 257 257 826
2 Paul Gray 71199 482 209 242 242 495
3 Rachel Brower 63976 205 UNS 214 214 330
X James Snow 74254 482 UNS TL FP 83
X Pierre Miller 64378 117 TL FP 83
X Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 UNS EJ 0 0
X Matthew Leveron 65486 519 UNS UNS 0 0
X Ellis Langford 58002 205 UNS UNS 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind 480 479 480 826
2 Trip Barber 4322 205 395 409 409 495
3 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 242 393 393 330
4 Robert Ellis 76583 482 UNS 377 377 165
5 Chad Ring 50652 519 365 EJ 365 83
6 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind 362 246 362 83
7 Rod Schafer 36564 473 344 UNS 344 83
8 Adam Elliott 62456 117 342 NR 342 83
9 David Schultz 3941 308 318 318 83
10 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 316 316 83
11 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 305 295 305 83
12 Richard Hyman 10841 482 304 304 83
13 Ted Mahler 18184 308 297 UNS 297 83
14 David Lyle 69845 558 EJ 283 283 83
15 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 280 280 83
16 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 236 183 236 83
17 Steve Lubliner 22152 545 UNS 234 234 83
18 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 231 231 83
19 Krista Brown 62024 519 227 227 83
20 Gregory Elder 56644 515 223 EJ 223 83
21 Jim Stum 73208 540 UNS 222 222 83
22 Richard Freed 24586 473 198 198 83
23 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 197 197 83
24 John Buckley 62317 551 194 194 83
25 David Urbanek 73974 523 182 182 83
26 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 180 180 83
27 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 165 165 83
28 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 153 NR 153 83
29 Larry Rice 33323 113 UNS 137 137 83
30 John Viggiano 25615 136 133 UNS 133 83
31 Mel Gray 72053 482 UNS 85 85 83
X Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 UNS 0 0
X Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 UNS 0 0
X Larry London 32709 Ind UNS 0 0
X Carl Johnson 75515 430 EJ NDP 0 0
X John Hochheimer 74537 205 UNS 0 0
X Steve Foster 72814 473 EJ UNS 0 0
X Chris Taylor 73586 439 EJ NDP 0 0
X Carl Truszynski 74790 139 EJ UNS 0 0
X James Duffy 73627 585 UNS SHR 0 0
X Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 UNS UNS 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Dad & Lad T-089 585 SHR 291 291 826
2 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 UNS 278 278 495
3 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 270 UNS 270 330
4 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 266 206 266 165
Space Modulators
5 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 211 173 211 83
6 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 201 201 83
7 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 196 196 83
8 Team Demolition T-711 519 UNS 191 191 83
9 Why Us? T-109 519 189 UNS 189 83
10 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 167 167 83
Flying Circus
11 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 139 NC 139 83
12 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 92 UNS 92 83
and The Ugly
X Kealakekua T-098 205 UNS UNS 0 0
X Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 UNS PRG 0 0
1/2A Helicopter Duration
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 33 51 84 980
2 Elise Coit 76241 Ind 51 20 71 588
3 Russell Coit 76528 Ind 54 EJ 54 392
4 James Brower 61838 205 27 21 48 196
5 Andrew Fossey 77395 Ind 41 41 98
6 Fritz Langford 69886 205 UNS 23 23 98
7 David Tietz 65139 113 22 22 98
8 Joey Puryear 75677 482 UNS 21 21 98
9 Randy Chambers 76048 482 ROT 17 17 98
10 James Johnson 59266 427 4 UNS 4 98
X Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 NDP UNS 0 0
X Mary Wolf 46379 558 NDP UNS 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 32 104 136 980
2 James Snow 74254 482 43 42 85 588
3 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 30 33 63 392
3 Paul Gray 71199 482 44 19 63 392
4 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 26 18 44 196
5 Ellis Langford 58002 205 40 SHR 40 98
6 Rachel Brower 63976 205 NDP 20 20 98
7 Carl Johnson 75515 430 14 UNS 14 98
8 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 11 UNS 11 98
X Pierre Miller 64378 117 SEP SEP 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 61 113 174 980
2 Steve Foster 72814 473 51 108 159 588
3 Steve Lubliner 22152 545 57 61 118 392
4 Rod Schafer 36564 473 46 30 76 196
5 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 45 29 74 98
6 James Duffy 73627 585 54 16 70 98
7 Jim Stum 73208 540 39 29 68 98
8 Mark James 71404 515 65 SEP 65 98
9 John Buckley 62317 551 34 30 64 98
10 Dale Greene 12464 503 37 26 63 98
10 Adam Elliott 62456 117 NDP 63 63 98
11 Richard Hyman 10841 482 DQ 55 55 98
12 Richard Freed 24586 473 24 24 48 98
13 Chad Ring 50652 519 46 NDP 46 98
14 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 21 24 45 98
15 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 27 17 44 98
16 David Lyle 69845 558 20 23 43 98
17 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 27 15 42 98
18 John Viggiano 25615 136 24 17 41 98
19 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 39 39 98
20 Chris Taylor 73586 439 18 20 38 98
21 Larry Rice 33323 113 37 UNS 37 98
21 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind 18 19 37 98
22 Michael Pearson 70953 568 36 SHR 36 98
23 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 NDP 33 33 98
24 Mel Gray 72053 482 32 DQ 32 98
25 Abigail Chang 70954 568 ROT 31 31 98
26 Robert Ellis 76583 482 SEP 29 29 98
27 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind NDP 28 28 98
27 Krista Brown 62024 519 28 28 98
28 David Schultz 3941 308 27 DQ 27 98
29 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 11 14 25 98
29 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 25 UNS 25 98
30 John Hochheimer 74537 205 NDP 22 22 98
31 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind UNS 18 18 98
32 Robert Wingate 35396 505 16 NDP 16 98
32 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 SEP 16 16 98
33 James Basler 36808 577 14 NDP 14 98
34 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 12 NDP 12 98
35 Trip Barber 4322 205 11 NDP 11 98
35 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 11 11 98
36 Frank Hunt 36424 523 22 NR 21 NR FP 98
X Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 23 NR 32 NR FP 98
X Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 39 NR UNS FP 98
X Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind NDP NDP 0 0
X Ted Mahler 18184 308 UNS NDP 0 0
X Gregory Elder 56644 515 SEP EJ 0 0
X David Urbanek 73974 523 UNS NDP 0 0
X Fred Williams 14198 523 NDP NDP 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 47 108 155 980
2 Team Demolition T-711 519 62 45 107 588
3 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 68 35 103 392
Space Modulators
4 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 49 51 100 196
5 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 29 51 80 98
6 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 21 53 74 98
7 Sudden Impulse T-042 517 30 41 71 98
8 Why Us? T-109 519 29 38 67 98
9 Kealakekua T-098 205 66 UNS 66 98
10 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 53 53 98
11 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 16 34 50 98
Flying Circus
12 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 47 UNS 47 98
13 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 22 NDP 22 98
and The Ugly
14 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 14 14 98
15 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 4 4 8 98
X Dad & Lad T-089 585 UNS UNS 0 0
D Super-Roc Altitude
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Points NAR Points
1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 UNS 46899 (243 m) 46899 877
2 Randy Chambers 76048 482 UNS 41600 (260 m) 41600 526
3 Elise Coit 76241 Ind 30752 (124 m) 32619 (131 m) 32619 351
4 Seth Cochran 77633 576 28662 (102 m) 28662 175
5 Russell Kaehler 77523 568 NC (NC) 28165 (131 m) 28165 88
6 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 TL (TL) TL (TL) 0 88
6 Mary Wolf 46379 558 TL (TL) 0 88
6 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 TL (TL) 0 88
6 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind UNS TL (TL) 0 88
X James Brower 61838 205 UNS UNS 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Points NAR Points
1 James Snow 74254 482 154524 (978 m) 154524 877
2 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 TL (TL) 129248 (577 m) 129248 526
3 Carl Johnson 75515 430 UNS 85067 (331 m) 85067 351
4 Paul Gray 71199 482 79194 (394 m) TL (TL) 79194 175
5 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 65800 (350 m) 65800 88
6 Andrew Lyzenga 76839 538 52800 (176 m) 62700 (209 m) 62700 88
7 Ellis Langford 58002 205 TL (TL) 57514 (298 m) 57514 88
8 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 TL (TL) UNS 0 88
X Pierre Miller 64378 117 UNS 0 0
X Rachel Brower 63976 205 UNS CR 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Points NAR Points
1 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 134100 (447 m) 152100 (507 m) 152100 877
2 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 142623 (477 m) 116220 (745 m) 142623 526
3 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 138882 (474 m) 141812 (484 m) 141812 351
4 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 113220 (740 m) 113220 175
5 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 112500 (375 m) 112500 88
6 Michael Maurer 18143 Ind 64200 (214 m) 100500 (335 m) 100500 88
7 James Hitchens 77774 515 TL (TL) 95480 (434 m) 95480 88
8 James Basler 36808 577 84000 (280 m) 53700 (179 m) 84000 88
9 Mel Gray 72053 482 82621 (407 m) 82621 88
10 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 62568 (264 m) 62568 88
11 Trip Barber 4322 205 59245 (389 m) 59245 88
12 Gregory Elder 56644 515 56700 (189 m) 21600 (72 m) 56700 88
13 Ted Mahler 18184 308 56474 (302 m) LOP 56474 88
14 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 55510 (305 m) UNS 55510 88
15 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 53360 (290 m) EJ 53360 88
16 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 46500 (155 m) TL (TL) 46500 88
17 Frank Hunt 36424 523 44825 (163 m) 44825 88
18 Larry Rice 33323 113 41374 (151 m) 40004 (146 m) 41374 88
19 Jim Stum 73208 540 39128 (146 m) 30438 (114 m) 39128 88
20 Marc McReynolds 11769 430 26700 (178 m) 26700 88
X John Viggiano 25615 136 TL (TL) UNS FP 88
X John Buckley 62317 551 UNS TL(TL) FP 88
X Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 TL (TL) UNS FP 88
X Adam Elliott 62456 117 UNS TL (TL) FP 88
X Kevin Wickart 33110 558 TL (TL) TL (TL) FP 88
X David Hanson 75504 482 TL (TL) TL (TL) FP 88
X John Hochheimer 74537 205 TL (TL) FP 88
X Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind TL (TL) TL (TL) FP 88
X Richard Hyman 10841 482 TL (TL) FP 88
X Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind TL (TL) FP 88
X Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind TL (TL) FP 88
X Rod Schafer 36564 473 UNS TL (TL) FP 88
X Stewart McNabb 14002 551 TL (TL) FP 88
X Chad Ring 50652 519 TL (TL) UNS FP 88
X Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind UNS UNS 0 0
X David Lyle 69845 558 UNS 0 0
X Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind UNS UNS 0 0
X Mark James 71404 515 UNS 0 0
X Steve Foster 72814 473 UNS UNS 0 0
X Robert Wingate 35396 505 UNS 0 0
X James Duffy 73627 585 NVB 0 0
X David Urbanek 73974 523 UNS 0 0
X Krista Brown 62024 519 UNS UNS 0 0
X Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 UNS 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Points NAR Points
1 Team Demolition T-711 519 169650 (754 m) 75816 (468 m) 169650 877
2 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 117936 (504 m) 141620 (485 m) 141620 526
3 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 136500 (455 m) 136500 351
and The Ugly
4 Dad & Lad T-089 585 TL (TL) 108120 (408 m) 108120 175
5 Why Us? T-109 519 CR 70070 (385 m) 70070 88
6 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 UNS 65322 (382 m) 65322 88
7 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 57021 (229 m) 48057 (193 m) 57021 88
8 August Sky T-723 Ind 44485 (287 m) 44175 (285 m) 44485 88
X Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 TL (TL) FP 88
Flying Circus
X Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 TL (TL) UNS FP 88
X Kealakekua T-098 205 NC (NC) FP 88
X Paranoid Androids T-482 482 TL (TL) FP 88
X Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 UNS UNS 0 0
Space Modulators
X Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 UNS UNS 0 0
A Boost Glider Duration
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 55 78 133 929
2 Candace Saindon 73209 Ind 81 SEP 81 557
3 Davey Willson Pending 482 27 49 76 372
4 James Brower 61838 205 33 41 74 186
5 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 34 26 60 93
6 Seth Cochran 77633 576 25 29 54 93
7 Mary Wolf 46379 558 12 32 44 93
8 Eric Saindon 73210 Ind 41 41 93
9 James Johnson 59266 427 NG 35 35 93
10 Christiana Williams 73204 482 29 SEP 29 93
11 Randy Chambers 76048 482 23 NG 23 93
12 Joey Puryear 75677 482 20 20 93
13 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 18 NG 18 93
14 Holly Johnson 75517 430 NG 8 8 93
15 Erin Wingate 63516 505 SHR 120 NR 0 93
X Russell Kaehler 77523 568 NG 0 0
X Paul Saunders 76742 534 SEP 0 0
X David Tietz 65139 113 NG NG 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 James Snow 74254 482 68 178 246 929
2 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 75 60 135 557
3 Ellis Langford 58002 205 84 49 133 372
4 Katyee Buckley 74318 551 33 33 66 186
5 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 12 STR 12 93
X Rachel Brower 63976 205 126 NR 103 NR FP 93
X Paul Gray 71199 482 87 NR 143 NR FP 93
X Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 STR 0 0
X Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 UNS NG 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Ted Cochran 69921 576 152 70 222 929
2 Robert Ellis 76583 482 93 102 195 557
3 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 76 117 193 372
4 Ed LaCroix 11248 506 105 73 178 186
5 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 55 116 171 93
5 John Viggiano 25615 136 65 106 171 93
6 Steve Foster 72814 473 14 144 158 93
7 Gregory Elder 56644 515 111 33 144 93
8 David Hanson 75504 482 106 36 142 93
9 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 22 109 131 93
10 David Lyle 69845 558 40 88 128 93
11 David Urbanek 73974 523 107 18 125 93
12 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 95 26 121 93
13 Mark James 71404 515 40 80 120 93
14 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 45 74 119 93
15 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 63 55 118 93
15 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 9 109 118 93
16 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 53 64 117 93
17 Trip Barber 4322 205 105 CAT 115 93
18 John Buckley 62317 551 25 87 112 93
19 Mel Gray 72053 482 109 NG 109 93
20 Steve Bloom 71920 Ind 34 69 103 93
21 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 48 49 97 93
22 Larry Rice 33323 113 55 40 95 93
23 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 47 36 83 93
24 Michael Pearson 70953 568 68 14 82 93
25 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 27 50 77 93
26 Kathy Hart 48760 282 52 22 74 93
27 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 33 37 70 93
28 Richard Freed 24586 473 33 34 67 93
29 Jim Stum 73208 540 27 34 61 93
30 Frank Hunt 36424 523 43 15 58 93
31 Rod Schafer 36564 473 UNS 46 46 93
32 Rachel Wickart 75768 117 40 SEP 40 93
33 Richard Hyman 10841 482 39 SEP 39 93
33 John Hochheimer 74537 205 39 39 93
34 James Duffy 73627 585 18 17 35 93
35 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 27 27 93
36 Ted Mahler 18184 308 26 SHR 26 93
36 Chad Ring 50652 519 18 8 26 93
37 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 SHR 23 23 93
38 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 17 17 93
39 Mark Kaehler 75857 568 16 16 93
40 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 15 15 93
41 Abigail Chang 70954 568 13 DQ 13 93
41 Larry London 32709 Ind DQ 13 13 93
X Daniel Wolf 24516 558 55 NR 80 NR FP 93
X Steve Lubliner 22152 545 PRG NG 0 0
X Donna Johnson 75514 430 UNS DQ 0 0
X Willie Alston 75033 365 NG NG 0 0
X Stewart McNabb 14002 551 PRG 0 0
X Adam Elliott 62456 117 DQ 0 0
X Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind UNS SEP 0 0
X Thomas Secrist 12463 113 STR DQ 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Why Us? T-109 519 183 64 247 929
2 Kealakekua T-098 205 93 104 197 557
3 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 125 59 184 372
Space Modulators
4 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 25 121 146 186
5 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 60 57 117 93
Flying Circus
6 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 40 64 104 93
7 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 20 67 87 93
8 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 62 20 82 93
9 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 22 52 74 93
10 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 NG 73 73 93
11 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 12 25 37 93
and The Ugly
12 Dad & Lad T-089 585 21 SEP 21 93
13 Team Demolition T-711 519 10 UNS 10 93
X August Sky T-723 Ind 90 NR FP 93
X Boris & Natasha T-917 427 STR 127 NR FP 93
C Egg Lofting Duration
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
A Division
1 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 54 340 340 826
2 Fritz Langford 69886 205 26 148 148 495
3 Eric Saindon 73210 Ind DQ 146 146 330
4 Candace Saindon 73209 Ind 100 69 100 165
5 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind 78 NR 78 83
6 Michal Fossey 77394 Ind 69 69 83
7 Randy Chambers 76048 482 UNS 61 61 83
8 James Brower 61838 205 11 46 46 83
9 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 EGG 31 31 83
10 Mary Wolf 46379 558 30 20 30 83
11 Kevin Fossey 77396 Ind 17 16 17 83
12 Holly Johnson 75517 430 16 EJ 16 83
13 Erin Wingate 63516 505 13 UNS 13 83
14 James Johnson 59266 427 9 UNS 9 83
X Eric Johnson 75516 430 UNS NDP 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Paul Gray 71199 482 132 291 291 826
2 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 153 39 153 495
3 Rachel Brower 63976 205 EGG 149 149 330
4 Ellis Langford 58002 205 43 113 113 165
5 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 81 NR 81 83
6 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 SEP 52 52 83
7 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 33 NR 33 83
8 James Snow 74254 482 19 SEP 19 83
X Carl Johnson 75515 430 CAT UNS 0 0
X Pierre Miller 64378 117 EGG SEP 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Dale Greene 12464 503 115 652 652 826
2 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 40 392 392 495
3 Richard Hyman 10841 482 SEP 336 336 330
4 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 313 313 165
5 Rod Schafer 36564 473 140 261 261 83
6 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 210 210 83
7 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 173 173 83
8 Richard Freed 24586 473 152 52 152 83
9 John Viggiano 25615 136 92 150 150 83
9 Mel Gray 72053 482 150 64 150 83
10 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 147 147 83
11 Chad Ring 50652 519 138 57 138 83
12 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 67 133 133 83
13 Adam Elliott 62456 117 EGG 118 118 83
14 David Urbanek 73974 523 117 117 83
15 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind 107 SEP 107 83
16 Gregory Elder 56644 515 102 EGG 102 83
17 John Hochheimer 74537 205 86 SEP 86 83
18 Larry Rice 33323 113 84 58 84 83
19 Abigail Chang 70954 568 80 72 80 83
19 Kathy Hart 48760 282 43 80 80 83
20 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 79 60 79 83
21 Michael Maurer 18143 Ind 78 EGG 78 83
22 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 76 76 83
23 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 75 75 83
24 Jim Stum 73208 540 54 74 74 83
25 John Buckley 62317 551 35 71 71 83
26 Frank Hunt 36424 523 70 70 83
27 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 66 35 66 83
27 Carl Johnson 75515 430 58 66 66 83
27 Fred Williams 14198 523 66 66 83
28 James Duffy 73627 585 61 61 83
28 Steve Foster 72814 473 61 NR 61 83
29 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 60 CAT 60 83
30 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 54 43 54 83
31 Ted Mahler 18184 308 53 51 53 83
32 Steve Lubliner 22152 545 44 51 51 83
32 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 SEP 51 51 83
33 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 44 41 44 83
34 Michael Pearson 70953 568 33 17 33 83
35 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 32 9 32 83
35 Donna Johnson 75514 430 32 21 32 83
36 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 27 SEP 27 83
37 Krista Brown 62024 519 26 SEP 26 83
38 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind UNS 22 22 83
39 Robert Ellis 76583 482 16 NR 16 83
X Willie Alston 75033 365 SEP CAT FP 83
X Carl Reisinger 70137 359 SEP SEP 0 0
X Larry London 32709 Ind SEP 0 0
X Thomas Secrist 12463 113 UNS SEP 0 0
X Dan Stuettgen 22659 498 SEP SEP 0 0
X Steve Bloom 71920 Ind UNS 0 0
X James Basler 36808 577 SEP 0 0
X John Barrett 57465 117 EGG EGG 0 0
X Trip Barber 4322 205 SEP 0 0
X Robert Wingate 35396 505 SEP 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Score NAR Points
1 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 1059 1059 826
Space Modulators
2 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 328 328 495
Flying Circus
3 Why Us? T-109 519 EGG 284 284 330
4 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 SEP 187 187 165
4 Kealakekua T-098 205 151 187 187 165
5 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 158 186 186 83
6 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 144 37 144 83
7 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 140 127 140 83
8 Sudden Impulse T-042 517 18 113 113 83
9 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 104 106 106 83
and The Ugly
10 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 54 88 88 83
11 Team Demolition T-711 519 15 80 80 83
12 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 75 29 75 83
13 August Sky T-723 Ind 35 SEP 35 83
14 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 34 34 34 83
15 Dad & Lad T-089 585 28 18 28 83
X Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 EGG EJ 0 0
D Rocket Glider Duration
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 20 226 246 1238
2 Fritz Langford 69886 205 SHR 169 169 743
3 Mary Wolf 46379 558 70 UNS 70 495
4 James Brower 61838 205 25 NDP 25 248
4 Randy Chambers 76048 482 25 NG 25 248
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Ellis Langford 58002 205 197 221 418 1238
2 Paul Gray 71199 482 86 90 176 743
3 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 85 42 127 495
4 Rachel Brower 63976 205 UNS 36 36 248
X Andrew Lyzenga 76839 538 UNS 0 0
X James Snow 74254 482 UNS 0 0
X Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 PRG 0 0
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Ed LaCroix 11248 506 331 627 958 1238
2 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 274 380 654 743
3 John Buckley 62317 551 146 257 403 495
4 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 196 196 248
5 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 59 83 142 124
6 Steve Foster 72814 473 94 NG 94 124
7 Adam Elliott 62456 117 31 48 79 124
8 Larry London 32709 Ind 78 78 124
9 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 70 70 124
10 Gregory Elder 56644 515 28 40 68 124
11 Jim Stum 73208 540 14 38 52 124
12 Chris Taylor 73586 439 18 23 41 124
13 Larry Rice 33323 113 23 14 37 124
14 David Urbanek 73974 523 32 32 124
15 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind UNS 26 26 124
16 Chad Ring 50652 519 25 25 124
17 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 23 PRG 23 124
18 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 17 17 124
19 John Viggiano 25615 136 13 UNS 13 124
19 Fred Williams 14198 523 13 13 124
X Carl Reisinger 70137 359 NG 0 0
X Rod Schafer 36564 473 NG UNS 0 0
X Carlin Lowry 74715 482 UNS 0 0
X Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind UNS 0 0
X Thomas Secrist 12463 113 UNS 0 0
X Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 SHR UNS 0 0
X Mel Gray 72053 482 SHR 0 0
X Nathan Coit 76240 Ind SHR 0 0
X Abigail Chang 70954 568 SHR 0 0
X Trip Barber 4322 205 SHR 0 0
X Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 SHR 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 170 866 1036 1238
2 Team Demolition T-711 519 321 452 773 743
3 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 97 114 211 495
and The Ugly
4 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 65 65 248
Flying Circus
5 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 62 UNS 62 124
6 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 35 EJ 35 124
7 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 31 31 124
Space Modulators
7 Dad & Lad T-089 585 31 SEP 31 124
8 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 29 SHR 29 124
9 Kealakekua T-098 205 17 10 27 124
X Why Us? T-109 519 EJ 120 NR 0 0
X Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 DQ EJ 0 0
X August Sky T-723 Ind NG 0 0
Giant Scale
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Prototype Static Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 James Brower 61838 205 Trailblazer II 693 10 85 778 1032
2 Mary Wolf 46379 558 Kappa-7-1 661 100 761 619
3 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 Rohini RH-75 659 98 757 413
3 Erin Wingate 63516 505 V-2 660 97 757 413
4 Michal Fossey 77394 Ind S-520-2 583 84 667 206
X Fritz Langford 69886 205 Skylab Saturn V 689 DQ DQ 0 0
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Prototype Static Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Ellis Langford 58002 205 Ariane4 44LP 725 160 885 1032
2 Pierre Miller 64378 117 Ariane4 44LP 705 83 155 860 619
3 James Snow 74254 482 Saturn 1B SA-204 Apollo 720 100 820 413
4 Rachel Brower 63976 205 Soyuz TM-12 720 70 790 206
5 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 IQSY Tomahawk 673 95 768 103
6 Paul Gray 71199 482 Viking 7 658 100 758 103
7 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 IQSY Tomahawk 654 90 744 103
X Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 Goddard's Rocket 700 DQ 0 0
of March 16, 1926
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. Prototype Static Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 Lunar Module Apollo 11 735 85 820 1032
2 James Duffy 73627 585 Little Joe - 1A 595 65 660 619
2 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 Black Brant II 560 100 660 619
3 John Viggiano 25615 136 Trailblazer 1 555 97 100 655 413
4 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 COSMOS 560 68 628 206
5 Steve Foster 72814 473 Pegasus 505 94 599 103
6 Krista Brown 62024 519 M100b 445 144 589 103
7 Adam Elliott 62456 117 Rasko-2 480 90 570 103
8 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 Nike-Tomahawk 415 142 557 103
9 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 Super Loki Dart 430 DQ 100 530 103
10 Chad Ring 50652 519 Tomahawk 430 97 527 103
10 Trip Barber 4322 205 Tomahawk 440 87 527 103
10 Kathy Hart 48760 282 Maxus 430 97 527 103
11 Abigail Chang 70954 568 Super Loki Dart 425 DQ 99 524 103
12 John Buckley 62317 551 Thor Able 415 98 513 103
13 Gregory Elder 56644 515 Nike Ajax 435 75 510 103
14 David Urbanek 73974 523 RP-3 385 93 478 103
15 Rod Schafer 36564 473 Patriot 335 98 433 103
16 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind Little John 305 100 405 103
17 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind Juno 1 285 95 380 103
18 Paul Fossey 65217 Ind S-520 245 95 340 103
19 Larry Rice 33323 113 Exocet 245 86 331 103
20 Thomas Secrist 12463 113 Coporal 170 DQ 98 268 103
X Ted Mahler 18184 308 Maul Photoa Rocket 500 UNS 0 0
X Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind Standard Missile 2 385 UNS 0 0
X Roger Wilfong 36404 463 Nike Tomahawk 130 DQ 0 0
X Dan Stuettgen 22659 498 Redstone w/Langley 715 UNS 0 0
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. Prototype Static Flt 1 Flt 2 Total NAR Points
1 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 Mercury Redstone 790 88 878 1032
2 Kealakekua T-098 205 Nike Tomahawk 580 DQ 673 619
3 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 Aerobee 150 515 135 650 413
3 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 Astrobee D 550 100 650 413
and The Ugly
4 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 Black Brant IX 525 98 623 206
Flying Circus
5 Dad & Lad T-089 585 Aeolus 490 130 620 103
6 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 D-Region Tomahawk 515 95 610 103
Space Modulators
7 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 Rohini RH-75 340 80 420 103
8 Team Demolition T-711 519 D-Region Tomahawk 310 95 405 103
8 Why Us? T-109 519 Hyperion 310 95 405 103
9 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 AMRAAM AIM-120 210 80 290 103
10 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 Terrier-Sandhawk 170 98 268 103
X Southern Cruetron T-553 519 X-1 450 DQ 0 0
Research and Development
A Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. NAR Points
1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 1858
2 Mary Wolf 46379 558 1115
B Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. NAR Points
1 Ellis Langford 58002 205 1858
2 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 1115
3 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 743
4 Rachel Brower 63976 205 372
5 Paul Gray 71199 482 186
C Division
Pl. Contestant NAR No. Sec. NAR Points
1 Ted Mahler 18184 308 1858
2 Richard Hyman 10841 482 1115
3 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 743
4 Paul Fossey 65217 Ind 372
5 Randall Redd 6333 523 186
5 Chad Ring 50652 519 186
5 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 186
5 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 186
5 Ted Cochran 69921 576 186
5 Chris Taylor 73586 439 186
5 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 186
Team Division
Pl. Team Name NAR No. Sec. NAR Points
1 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 1858
Flying Circus
2 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 1115
Space Modulators
3 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 743
4 Dad & Lad T-089 585 372
5 Why Us? T-109 519 186
NARAM 2000/42 Meet Standings
Div. Pl. Competitor NAR No. Section Meet Points
A 1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 6099
A 2 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 3493
A 3 Mary Wolf 46379 558 3257
A 4 James Brower 61838 205 2266
A 5 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 1343
A 6 Randall Chambers 76048 482 1105
A 7 Elise Coit 76241 Ind 939
A 8 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind 785
A 9 Candace Saindon 73209 Ind 722
A 10 Erin Wingate 63516 505 635
A 11 Eric Saindon 73210 Ind 423
A 12 Davey Willson Pending 482 418
A 13 Russell Coit 76528 Ind 392
A 14 James Johnson 59266 427 377
A 15 Seth Cochran 77633 576 371
A 16 Joey Puryear 75677 482 351
A 17 Eric Johnson 75516 430 326
A 18 Holly Johnson 75517 430 305
A 19 Michal Fossey 77394 Ind 289
A 20 Kevin Fossey 77396 Ind 248
A 21 David Tietz 65139 113 144
A 22 Russell Kaehler 77523 568 134
A 23 Andrew Fossey 77395 Ind 98
A 24 Christiana Williams 73204 482 93
A 25 Paul Saunders 76742 534 46
A 25 Allen Cass 75469 427 46
A 26 Benjamine Kromray 76701 Ind 0
Div. Pl. Competitor NAR No. Section Meet Points
B 1 Ellis Langford 58002 205 4965
B 2 Paul Gray 71199 482 3860
B 3 James Snow 74254 482 3030
B 4 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 2611
B 5 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 2592
B 6 Rachel Brower 63976 205 2482
B 7 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 1837
B 8 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 789
B 9 Pierre Miller 64378 117 748
B 10 Carl Johnson IV 75515 430 506
B 11 Andrew Lyzenga 76839 538 315
B 12 Katyee Buckley 74318 551 289
B 13 Randy Olson 64952 565 0
Div. Pl. Competitor NAR No. Section Meet Points
C 1 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 3530
C 2 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 3030
C 3 Ted Mahler 18184 308 2308
C 4 Richard Hyman 10841 482 1910
C 5 Ed LaCroix 11248 506 1424
C 6 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 1388
C 7 John Buckley 62317 551 1146
C 8 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 1141
C 9 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 1120
C 10 Ted Cochran 69921 576 1115
C 11 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind 1100
C 12 Steve Foster 72814 473 1094
C 13 John Viggiano 25615 136 1085
C 14 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 1002
C 15 Dale Greene 12464 503 981
C 16 Trip Barber 4322 205 980
C 17 Chad Ring 50652 519 961
C 18 Rod Schafer 36564 473 919
C 19 Robert Ellis (CO) 76583 482 903
C 20 James Duffy 73627 585 893
C 21 David Lyle 69845 558 888
C 22 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 868
C 23 Mel Gray 72053 482 832
C 24 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 822
C 25 Larry Rice 33323 113 775
C 26 Adam Elliott 62456 117 682
C 27 Gregory Elder 56644 515 677
C 28 Jim Stum 73208 540 672
C 29 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 651
C 30 David Urbanek 73974 523 589
C 31 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 584
C 32 Steve Lubliner 22152 545 558
C 33 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 552
C 34 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 548
C 35 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 528
C 36 Chris Taylor 73586 439 511
C 37 Abigail Chang 70954 568 480
C 38 Paul Fossey 65217 Ind 475
C 39 Krista Brown 62024 519 470
C 40 Frank Hunt 36424 523 465
C 40 John Hochheimer 74537 205 465
C 40 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 465
C 41 Richard Freed 24586 473 460
C 42 David Schultz 3941 308 424
C 43 Kathy Hart 48760 282 382
C 44 Michael Pearson 70953 568 377
C 45 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 367
C 45 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind 367
C 46 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 331
C 47 Fred Williams 14198 523 310
C 48 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind 304
C 49 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 294
C 50 James Basler 36808 577 289
C 51 Michael Maurer 18143 Ind 274
C 52 David Hanson 75504 482 227
C 53 Larry London 32709 Ind 217
C 54 Stewart McNabb 14002 551 191
C 55 Mark James 71404 515 191
C 55 James Hitchens 77774 515 191
C 55 Randall Redd 6333 523 186
C 56 Robert Wingate 35396 505 155
C 57 Carl Johnson IV 75513 430 140
C 58 Mark Kaehler 75857 568 139
C 59 Thomas Secrist 12463 113 103
C 60 Steve Bloom 71920 568 93
C 60 Rachel Wickart 75768 117 93
C 61 Marc McReynolds 11769 430 88
C 62 Willie Alston 75033 365 83
C 62 Donna Johnson 75514 430 83
C 63 Edward Cass 75468 Ind 0
C 63 Michael Hellmund 26748 482 0
C 63 Todd Schneider 42644 515 0
C 63 Dan Stuettgen 22659 498 0
C 63 Alan Estenson 69539 576 0
C 63 Daniel Kafun 34920 Ind 0
C 63 Bryon Kromray 76700 Ind 0
C 63 John Marvin 75392 565 0
C 63 John Barrett 57465 117 0
C 63 John Langford 13672 205 0
C 63 Richard Ng 65487 498 0
C 63 Margaret Nestor 42804 473 0
C 63 Arthur Nestor 29623 473 0
C 63 Tom McAtee 21412 551 0
C 63 Jim Fackert 53871 463 0
Div. Pl. Team Name NAR No. Section Meet Points
T 1 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 3272
Flying Circus
T 2 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 3257
Space Modulators
T 3 Team Demolition T-711 519 2983
T 4 Why Us? T-109 519 2555
T 5 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 2534
T 6 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 2260
T 7 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 2050
and The Ugly
T 8 Kealakekua T-098 205 1987
T 9 Dad & Lad T-089 585 1879
T 10 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 1589
T 11 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 1348
T 12 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 873
T 13 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 822
T 14 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 568
T 15 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 377
T 16 August Sky T-723 Ind 367
T 17 Sudden Impulse T-042 517 181
Div. Pl. Section Number Meet Points
S 1 NOVAAR 205 22176
S 2 CRASH 482 20710
S 3 Launch Crue 519 13951
S 4 WOOSH 558 12334
S 5 NIRA 117 5709
S 6 HUVARS 463 5449
S 7 AARG 585 2772
S 8 DARS 308 2732
S 9 NASA-Houston 365 2675
S 10 PSC 473 2473
S 11 COSROCS 515 2407
S 12 Challenger 498 2260
S 13 NARHAMS 139 1839
S 14 SLRA 551 1626
S 15 UROC 523 1550
S 16 MASA 576 1486
S 17 SCRA 430 1448
S 18 SSS 506 1424
S 19 SEANAR 568 1223
S 20 ROC 538 1183
S 21 MARS-NY 136 1085
S 22 CSAR 113 1022
S 23 KOSMO 427 991
S 24 SPAAR 503 981
S 25 KCAR 505 790
S 26 AMOREA 540 672
S 27 SARA 545 558
S 28 GSSS 439 511
S 29 SCAM 282 382
S 30 BAYNAR 359 294
S 30 FLARE 577 289
S 32 Zia Spacemodelers 517 181
S 33 LUNAR 534 46
S 33 PHITS 565 0
1999 - 2000 Contest Year Final NAR Standings
Division Place Competitor NAR No. Section Pre-N NARAM Total CF
A 1 Fritz Langford 69886 205 7662 6099 13761 17.16
A 2 Mary Wolf 46379 558 7569 3257 10826 17.16
A 3 Sarah Wolf 53453 558 6303 3493 9796 17.16
A 4 Elise Coit 76241 Ind 1788 939 2727 14.16
(Awarded 4th place due to NARAM attendance).
A 5 Matthew Filler 71947 139 4224 0 4224 9.00
A 6 Kris Bittle 74626 139 4122 0 4122 11.00
A 7 Megan Brady 76201 585 3471 0 3471 9.00
A 8 Elizabeth Mericas 75334 585 3297 0 3297 9.00
A 9 Jonathan Stenvall 70976 365 3258 0 3258 9.00
A 10 David Brady 74402 Ind 2688 0 2688 6.00
A 11 Issac Galvez 73159 597 2562 0 2562 8.00
A 12 Chris Mericas 75335 585 2508 0 2508 9.00
A 13 James Brower 61838 205 0 2266 2266 5.16
A 14 Thomas McGinnis 73792 519 1986 0 1986 6.00
A 15 Randall Chambers 76048 482 738 1105 1843 11.16
A 16 Christiana Williams 73204 482 1722 93 1815 17.16
A 17 David Tietz 65139 113 1562 144 1706 9.16
A 18 Caroline Scheevel 75497 585 1680 0 1680 6.00
A 19 Julia Scheevel 71442 585 1605 0 1605 3.00
A 20 Andrew Hochheimer 74538 205 228 1343 1571 8.16
A 21 Mirriah Benson 69288 365 1476 0 1476 6.00
A 22 Christopher Vaccaro 70802 558 1470 0 1470 6.00
A 23 Scott Johnson 73964 523 1430 0 1430 8.00
A 24 William Vaccaro 60928 558 1392 0 1392 6.00
A 25 James Johnson 59266 427 858 377 1235 8.16
A 26 Joey Puryear 75677 482 876 351 1227 11.16
A 27 Joe Eng 75956 365 1146 0 1146 6.00
A 28 Nick Irelan 66932 519 1098 0 1098 3.00
A 29 Kindra Bittle 76125 139 1062 0 1062 8.00
A 30 Steve Cratty 74982 482 918 0 918 6.00
A 31 Will Mecklenburg Pending 523 846 0 846 3.00
A 32 Michael Humphrey 75192 Ind 0 785 785 5.16
A 33 Erin Wingate 63516 505 148 635 783 6.16
A 34 Brian Williams 76598 482 756 0 756 9.00
A 35 Daniel Flynn 75281 439 730 0 730 6.00
A 36 Candace Saindon 73209 Ind 0 722 722 5.16
A 37 Amber Bricker 77744 597 684 0 684 5.00
A 38 Chris Harkey 72215 365 567 0 567 6.00
A 39 Faith Ghere 77024 365 555 0 555 3.00
A 40 Russell Coit 76528 Ind 162 392 554 8.16
A 41 Christopher Stenvall 76999 Ind 510 0 510 3.00
A 42 Eric Saindon 73210 Ind 0 423 423 5.16
A 43 Davey Willson Pending 482 0 418 418 5.16
A 44 Krysia Bock 61741 205 402 0 402 3.00
A 45 Seth Cochran 77633 576 0 371 371 5.16
A 46 Eric Johnson 75516 430 0 326 326 5.16
A 47 Holly Johnson 75517 430 0 305 305 5.16
A 48 Michal Fossey 77394 Ind 0 289 289 5.16
A 49 Amy McGinnis 73793 Ind 288 0 288 3.00
A 50 Paul Saunders 76742 534 240 46 286 7.16
A 51 Nicholas Eades 75740 Ind 272 0 272 6.00
A 52 Tim Janson 71700 464 254 0 254 1.00
A 53 Kevin Fossey 77396 Ind 0 248 248 5.16
A 54 Andrew Hipskind 77323 Ind 246 0 246 6.00
A 55 Steve English 75557 585 234 0 234 3.00
A 56 Virginia Houk 75453 365 213 0 213 3.00
A 57 Jesse Wilson Pending Ind 204 0 204 3.00
A 58 Virginia Somers 74747 571 200 0 200 1.00
A 59 Tim Sears 74555 551 196 0 196 5.00
A 60 Tyler Stafford 75397 Ind 188 0 188 4.00
A 61 Brian Tietz 73521 113 168 0 168 3.00
A 62 Josh Russell 75365 139 148 0 148 1.00
A 63 Joshua Marcum Pending 534 144 0 144 2.00
A 63 Hunter Johnson 75716 571 144 0 144 3.00
A 63 Laura James 74461 585 144 0 144 6.00
A 64 Russell Kaehler 77523 568 0 134 134 5.16
A 65 Ben Pattison-Gordon 75905 464 130 0 130 1.00
A 66 Taylor Maine 76060 505 122 0 122 1.00
A 67 Nate Mauger Pending 597 120 0 120 3.00
A 67 Gib Reynolds 69400 308 120 0 120 3.00
A 67 Jill Somers 74748 571 120 0 120 4.00
A 68 De Savage 74354 Ind 118 0 118 1.00
A 68 Allen Cass 75469 427 72 46 118 8.16
A 69 Megan Hack Pending 365 117 0 117 3.00
A 70 Elly Burgstrum 76136 Ind 108 0 108 2.00
A 71 Andrew Fossey 77395 Ind 0 98 98 5.16
A 72 Katie Stanford 77180 534 96 0 96 2.00
A 73 Shawn Leland 76434 Ind 80 0 80 1.00
A 74 Cassandra Disney 76637 Ind 72 0 72 2.00
A 74 Evan Coddington 75371 473 72 0 72 3.00
A 75 Jeff Ludwig, Jr. 74913 Ind 68 0 68 2.00
A 76 Jule Pattison-Gordon 75904 464 48 0 48 1.00
A 76 Dalton Cass 77878 427 48 0 48 3.00
A 77 Andrew Rangitsch 76674 Ind 45 0 45 3.00
A 78 Sarah Wingate 71098 505 40 0 40 1.00
A 78 Drew Hanson 75397 Ind 40 0 40 2.00
A 79 Brendan Disney 75607 Ind 36 0 36 2.00
A 80 Fiona Murphey-Fahlgren 73039 463 34 0 34 2.00
A 81 Jacob Stoneburner 70347 Ind 27 0 27 3.00
A 82 Brian Pratt 69442 139 24 0 24 3.00
A 83 Zach Lunger 74317 136 22 0 22 2.00
A 84 Michelle Jarvis Pending 523 21 0 21 3.00
A 85 Andrew Blinn 72836 Ind 20 0 20 2.00
A 86 Peter Arbaugh Pending Ind 18 0 18 2.00
A 86 Nicholas Shankland Pending Ind 18 0 18 2.00
A 87 Zach Pattison-Gordon 75903 464 0 0 0 1.00
A 87 Johnathan Zalger 75568 Ind 0 0 0 2.00
A 87 Shawn McCoy 70080 585 0 0 0 3.00
A 87 Benjamine Kromray 76701 Ind 0 0 0 5.16
Division Place Competitor NAR No. Section Pre-N NARAM Total CF
B 1 Ellis Langford 58002 205 7878 4965 12843 17.16
B 2 Paul Gray 71199 482 8472 3860 12332 17.16
B 3 Tracy Woebkenberg 59263 519 6906 1837 8743 17.16
B 4 Rachel Brower 63976 205 5966 2482 8448 17.16
B 5 Matthew Leveron 65486 519 4986 2611 7597 17.16
B 6 Scott Johnsgard 76279 365 1563 2592 4155 14.16
B 7 Mike Filler 57690 139 3152 0 3152 9.00
B 8 James Snow 74254 482 0 3030 3030 5.16
B 9 Jeff Supak 65524 365 2847 0 2847 6.00
B 10 John Powell 75044 482 1506 0 1506 9.00
B 11 David Nehez 69175 494 1260 0 1260 3.00
B 12 Josh Hays 59279 515 1200 0 1200 3.00
B 13 Tom Aspenwall 75158 482 1152 0 1152 6.00
B 14 Mike Jarvis 77369 523 1060 0 1060 5.00
B 15 Justin Andrews 68926 139 864 0 864 3.00
B 16 Charles Hughes Pending 365 792 0 792 3.00
B 17 Dawn Wilfong 55103 463 0 789 789 5.16
B 18 Pierre Miller 64378 117 0 748 748 8.16
B 19 David Bellow 76939 Ind 561 0 561 3.00
B 20 Alex Mondlock 76515 308 522 0 522 6.00
B 21 Carl Johnson IV 75515 430 0 506 506 5.16
B 22 Leon Stern 76041 365 498 0 498 6.00
B 23 Lucas Burgstrum 76135 Ind 344 0 344 7.00
B 24 Lavon Miller 76221 597 330 0 330 2.00
B 25 Andrew Lyzenga 76839 538 0 315 315 5.16
B 26 Stephen Flynn 68814 439 308 0 308 5.00
B 27 Doug Hillson 61624 205 306 0 306 3.00
B 28 Katyee Buckley 74318 551 0 289 289 5.16
B 29 Lucas Nehez 69176 494 288 0 288 3.00
B 30 Anthony Plummer 73839 365 276 0 276 6.00
B 31 Stephen Ammons 76943 365 180 0 180 3.00
B 32 Max Gingerich 77211 597 176 0 176 1.00
B 33 Brian Patterson 76879 365 144 0 144 3.00
B 34 Michael Guzik 72536 Ind 126 0 126 1.00
B 35 Ross Amend 75860 571 96 0 96 3.00
B 36 Jason Krc 71931 Ind 24 0 24 3.00
B 37 Randy Olson 64952 565 0 0 0 5.16
Division Place Competitor NAR No. Section Pre-N NARAM Total CF
C 1 Bruce Markielewski 38377 482 4494 3530 8024 17.16
C 2 Chad Ring 50652 519 6240 961 7201 17.16
C 3 Rod Schafer 36564 473 6222 919 7141 17.16
C 4 Steve Foster 72814 473 5193 1094 6287 17.16
C 5 Daniel Wolf 24516 558 4731 822 5553 17.16
C 6 James Duffy 73627 585 4059 893 4952 17.16
C 7 John Buckley 62317 551 3653 1146 4799 16.16
C 8 Edward O'Neill 57122 482 1716 3030 4746 14.16
C 9 Larry Rice 33323 113 3942 775 4717 16.16
C 10 Glenn Scherer 16855 Ind 4024 651 4675 17.16
C 11 Krista Brown 62024 519 3993 470 4463 17.16
C 12 Peter Bricker 71165 597 4108 0 4108 10.00
C 13 Christopher Kidwell 45225 139 2888 1141 4029 17.16
C 14 John Pace 49785 473 4008 0 4008 12.00
C 15 Gregory Elder 56644 515 3252 677 3929 17.16
C 16 Robert Ellis (TX) 76731 365 3714 0 3714 9.00
C 17 Jim Brower 63977 205 3678 0 3678 12.00
C 18 Doug Scobel 74611 463 3592 0 3592 7.00
C 19 Jim Stum 73208 540 2904 672 3576 17.16
C 20 Eugene Kromray 75039 Ind 2986 584 3570 17.16
C 21 David Lyle 69845 558 2448 888 3336 11.16
C 22 Jim Filler 27862 139 3181 0 3181 9.00
C 23 Richard Freed 24586 473 2640 460 3100 14.16
C 24 Jeff Vincent 27910 471 3086 0 3086 9.00
C 25 Richard Hyman 10841 482 1158 1910 3068 11.16
C 26 Frank Hunt 36424 523 2359 465 2824 13.16
C 27 Nathan Coit 76240 Ind 1611 1120 2731 14.16
C 28 Steve Murphy 65673 308 2676 0 2676 9.00
C 29 Adam Nowatarski 34209 540 2556 0 2556 6.00
C 30 Roger Wilfong 36404 463 1028 1388 2416 12.16
C 31 Dan Winings 20815 205 2411 0 2411 11.00
C 32 Ted Brady 73698 Ind 2376 0 2376 6.00
C 33 Edward McGinnis 71003 519 2310 0 2310 12.00
C 34 Ted Mahler 18184 308 0 2308 2308 5.16
C 35 Carlin Lowry 74715 482 1689 548 2237 17.16
C 36 David Harper 71751 519 2226 0 2226 12.00
C 37 Dot Hunt 39735 523 2181 0 2181 8.00
C 38 David Urbanek 73974 523 1554 589 2143 13.16
C 39 John Viggiano 25615 136 1026 1085 2111 8.16
C 40 Mark Chrumka 58182 463 2068 0 2068 7.00
C 41 Kevin Wickart 33110 558 882 1002 1884 8.16
C 42 Wolfram von Kiparski 28643 471 1879 0 1879 7.00
C 43 Charles Russell 9790 Ind 1860 0 1860 6.00
C 44 Jennifer Ash-Poole 61415 139 1528 331 1859 17.16
C 45 Randall Redd 6333 523 1602 186 1788 13.16
C 46 Robert Wingate 35396 505 1627 155 1782 10.16
C 47 Alex DeMarco 76979 471 1768 0 1768 8.00
C 48 Kevin Kuczek 32593 482 1764 0 1764 3.00
C 49 Khim Bittle 17634 139 1746 0 1746 11.00
C 50 Stewart McNabb 14002 551 1554 191 1745 5.16
C 51 Adam Elliott 62456 117 1056 682 1738 10.16
C 52 Michael Funke 73407 523 1697 0 1697 8.00
C 53 Trip Barber 4322 205 709 980 1689 11.16
C 54 Steve Rogers 73413 585 1659 0 1659 6.00
C 55 Robert Ellis (CO) 76583 482 734 903 1637 11.16
C 56 Richard Benavides 75209 308 1614 0 1614 12.00
C 57 Tom McAtee 21412 551 1598 0 1598 10.16
C 58 John Hochheimer 74537 205 1101 465 1566 14.16
C 59 David Schultz 3941 308 1140 424 1564 8.16
C 60 Stew McNabb 14002 427 1554 0 1554 6.00
C 61 Ernest Strother 77992 365 1536 0 1536 9.00
C 62 Mark Scheevel 65701 585 1482 0 1482 6.00
C 63 Tom Secrist 12463 113 1463 0 1463 9.00
C 64 Mel Gray 72053 482 606 832 1438 17.16
C 65 Ed LaCroix 11248 506 0 1424 1424 5.16
C 66 Andy Eng 23404 365 1392 0 1392 6.00
C 67 Paul Smith 74760 558 1347 0 1347 6.00
C 68 Dale Dillon 70945 523 1317 0 1317 3.00
C 69 Fred Williams 14198 523 996 310 1306 13.16
C 70 Ed Giugliano 46086 139 1268 0 1268 5.00
C 71 Kelo Waiveo 72132 500 1240 0 1240 5.00
C 72 Ryan Coleman 59361 113 1229 0 1229 4.00
C 73 Mark Smeiska 62361 558 1194 0 1194 6.00
C 74 Tim Van Milligan 35872 515 1182 0 1182 3.00
C 75 Dale Greene 12464 503 189 981 1170 8.16
C 76 Glenn Feveryear 24931 503 1167 0 1167 4.00
C 77 Dan Wolman 40055 464 1162 0 1162 3.00
C 78 Mike Vande Bunt 65174 558 1131 0 1131 6.00
C 79 Daniel Kirk 75066 505 1120 0 1120 5.00
C 80 Chris Taylor 73586 439 604 511 1115 7.16
C 80 Ted Cochran 69921 576 0 1115 1115 5.16
C 81 Al Mecklenburg 65738 523 1108 0 1108 8.00
C 82 Robert Edmonds 37700 205 1101 0 1101 9.00
C 83 Steve Humphrey 17888 Ind 0 1100 1100 5.16
C 84 Matthew Cartwright 74156 463 1083 0 1083 7.00
C 85 Michael Rangitsch 76090 Ind 996 0 996 3.00
C 86 Harry Stenvall 77000 365 972 0 972 9.00
C 87 Bob Wilson 68880 308 954 0 954 3.00
C 88 Scott Orr 76322 113 951 0 951 8.00
C 88 Warren Benson 70956 365 951 0 951 9.00
C 89 Kevin Johnson 77083 139 948 0 948 8.00
C 90 Luis Salinas 74756 585 942 0 942 9.00
C 91 Mark Hutchinson 77777 471 938 0 938 8.00
C 92 Eric Robinson 76096 205 930 0 930 8.00
C 93 Eric Schadow 73421 471 916 0 916 6.00
C 94 Mike Law 72863 282 912 0 912 3.00
C 95 Sam Saenz 17514 365 903 0 903 3.00
C 96 Jack Sprague 45689 308 891 0 891 9.00
C 97 Ross Iwamoto 20059 205 888 0 888 3.00
C 98 Dave Hoxie 55995 500 882 0 882 3.00
C 99 Bill Guy 73031 136 872 0 872 2.00
C 100 Abigail Chang 70954 568 390 480 870 6.16
C 101 Gregory Lyzenga 13295 538 0 868 868 5.16
C 102 John Thompson 54313 317 850 0 850 4.00
C 103 Buzz Nau 38803 463 849 0 849 3.00
C 104 Rich Savory 69919 136 840 0 840 2.00
C 105 Steve Scherbinski 46777 500 828 0 828 3.00
C 106 Alan Rognlie 71223 Ind 819 0 819 6.00
C 107 John Sarosi 30396 473 804 0 804 12.00
C 108 Ed Eades 74997 471 770 0 770 8.00
C 109 Brian Jarvis 74059 523 756 0 756 8.00
C 110 Peter Alway 26985 463 752 0 752 4.00
C 111 Jeff Proffitt Pending 515 732 0 732 3.00
C 112 Thomas Pastrick 2276 117 162 552 714 6.16
C 113 John Wright 42323 317 712 0 712 3.00
C 114 Mark Cassata 75357 473 708 0 708 9.00
C 115 Roger Porter 27601 113 659 0 659 8.00
C 116 Carl Truszynski 74790 139 285 367 652 11.16
C 117 John Bitner 71046 308 630 0 630 3.00
C 118 Scott Hansen 73268 558 621 0 621 3.00
C 119 David Schaefer 62840 Ind 600 0 600 3.00
C 119 Suzy Sprague 45690 308 600 0 600 9.00
C 120 Kathy Hart 48760 282 213 382 595 8.16
C 121 Tony Reynolds 31945 308 591 0 591 6.00
C 122 Steve Anderson 60925 523 572 0 572 8.00
C 123 David Feldman 62444 494 570 0 570 3.00
C 123 Greg Bock 44161 205 570 0 570 9.00
C 124 David Ghere 77023 365 567 0 567 3.00
C 125 Steve Lubliner 22152 545 0 558 558 5.16
C 126 Jere Austin 64191 113 554 0 554 2.00
C 127 Dale Windsor 12081 571 540 0 540 3.00
C 128 Kevin Prebula 43890 Ind 0 528 528 5.16
C 129 Robert Alway 45556 500 498 0 498 3.00
C 130 Mark James 71404 515 306 191 497 14.16
C 130 Michael Pearson 70953 568 120 377 497 6.16
C 131 William Huber 76788 113 488 0 488 4.00
C 132 Andrew Miller 51617 139 484 0 484 3.00
C 133 Jonathan Somers 74468 571 480 0 480 3.00
C 134 Paul Fossey 65217 Ind 0 475 475 5.16
C 135 Carl Reisinger 70137 359 180 294 474 7.16
C 136 Yitah Wu 71446 463 470 0 470 4.00
C 137 Dean Wakamoto 60773 Ind 0 465 465 5.16
C 138 Brad Gingerich 72641 597 462 0 462 5.00
C 139 Brett Buck 31068 359 460 0 460 2.00
C 140 Willie Alston 75033 365 354 83 437 14.16
C 141 Mark Sinicki 34590 463 425 0 425 7.00
C 142 Roger Hillson 59376 205 414 0 414 3.00
C 143 Brian Cieslak 68984 558 402 0 402 3.00
C 143 Jeff Mondlock 72107 308 402 0 402 9.00
C 144 Jeff McCoy 72989 551 395 0 395 5.00
C 145 John Langford 13672 205 393 0 393 8.16
C 146 Joe Warnock 30813 427 375 0 375 3.00
C 146 Mike Uleski 63807 473 375 0 375 12.00
C 147 Jeffrey Ryan 46148 Ind 0 367 367 5.16
C 148 Gary Lunger 74316 136 360 0 360 2.00
C 148 Randy Ashley 75007 365 360 0 360 3.00
C 148 Randall Floyd Pending Ind 360 0 360 3.00
C 148 Richard Ng Pending 498 360 0 360 8.16
C 149 Scott Lindemuth 74313 317 354 0 354 4.00
C 150 Michael Sears 65737 551 353 0 353 5.00
C 151 Randy Boadway 71725 463 352 0 352 7.00
C 152 Paul Graf 76069 551 348 0 348 5.00
C 152 Gary King 12518 365 348 0 348 6.00
C 153 Ed Norris 33196 136 344 0 344 2.00
C 154 Jack Kale 70384 572 342 0 342 3.00
C 155 Howie Saulles 71655 463 340 0 340 5.00
C 156 Marc McReynolds 11769 430 248 88 336 6.16
C 157 James Hitchens 77774 515 117 191 308 8.16
C 158 Dan Fougner 25927 482 306 0 306 3.00
C 159 Ellis Wood 76044 Ind 304 0 304 8.00
C 159 Patrick McCarthy 20148 Ind 0 304 304 5.16
C 160 William Disney 73084 Ind 296 0 296 2.00
C 161 Robert Zabriskie 36036 439 290 0 290 5.00
C 162 James Basler 36808 577 0 289 289 5.16
C 163 Christopher Deem 12308 527 288 0 288 1.00
C 163 Gary Kinnamon 30066 205 288 0 288 3.00
C 164 Bill Spadafora 2097 464 286 0 286 1.00
C 165 Leslie Houk 58525 365 282 0 282 3.00
C 166 Norm Dziedzic 72426 117 280 0 280 1.00
C 167 Michael Maurer 18143 Ind 0 274 274 5.16
C 168 Richard Hickock 74359 139 260 0 260 4.00
C 169 Andrew Scheinost Pending 505 256 0 256 1.00
C 170 Alex Mericas 62956 585 255 0 255 6.00
C 171 Lane Douglas 76798 551 254 0 254 2.00
C 172 Arthur Nestor 29623 473 252 0 252 17.16
C 173 Robert Kelly 36704 471 240 0 240 2.00
C 173 John Duffy Pending 585 240 0 240 3.00
C 173 Mike Nehez 63694 494 240 0 240 3.00
C 174 John Tiholiz 77206 308 228 0 228 3.00
C 175 David Hanson 75504 482 0 227 227 5.16
C 176 Anthony Snyder 73663 585 222 0 222 3.00
C 177 Larry London 32709 Ind 0 217 217 5.16
C 178 Donald Altschwager 73065 Ind 216 0 216 4.00
C 179 Margaret Nestor 42804 473 207 0 207 14.16
C 180 Ferenc Gy Roka 11077 136 206 0 206 2.00
C 181 Philip Hipskind 73452 Ind 201 0 201 6.00
C 182 Ron Burgess 73315 571 200 0 200 1.00
C 182 Dale Netherton 76608 565 200 0 200 1.00
C 183 Jack Sarhage 31745 439 198 0 198 2.00
C 184 Christopher Scott 72748 Ind 180 0 180 2.00
C 185 George Scheil 77536 505 174 0 174 1.00
C 186 Dwain Crackel 72958 597 168 0 168 2.00
C 187 Rick Taylor 64781 Ind 165 0 165 3.00
C 188 Vince Giovannone 44085 471 159 0 159 3.00
C 188 Jack Long 75829 482 159 0 159 3.00
C 189 Steve Cox 5340 551 156 0 156 3.00
C 189 Arthur Yee 68846 365 156 0 156 3.00
C 190 Greg Smith 15881 527 154 0 154 1.00
C 191 James Quin 54787 463 152 0 152 2.00
C 192 Alan Marcum 63357 534 144 0 144 2.00
C 192 Edmund Hack 12256 365 144 0 144 3.00
C 192 Roger Sligar 74668 571 144 0 144 3.00
C 193 Robert Brunner 65652 527 142 0 142 1.00
C 194 Claude Paquin 74779 551 141 0 141 3.00
C 195 Carl Johnson IV 75513 430 0 140 140 5.16
C 196 Mark Kaehler 75857 568 0 139 139 5.16
C 197 Gary Coddington 75370 473 132 0 132 3.00
C 198 Chris Timm 28346 Ind 130 0 130 10.00
C 199 Jim Skeen 69670 571 120 0 120 1.00
C 199 Ronald Stancil 72054 571 120 0 120 1.00
C 200 David Ladue 74091 Ind 116 0 116 4.00
C 201 Don Qualls 70141 Ind 114 0 114 1.00
C 202 Warren Sisco 12282 520 111 0 111 3.00
C 202 Steve Bloom 71920 568 18 93 111 7.16
C 203 Andrew McMollow 77472 Ind 108 0 108 2.00
C 204 Joel Rosenzweig 70880 365 105 0 105 6.00
C 205 Thomas Secrist 12463 113 0 103 103 5.16
C 206 Andy Woerner 76617 317 102 0 102 1.00
C 206 Jim Berg 71613 139 102 0 102 3.00
C 207 Mike Borman 33032 519 99 0 99 6.00
C 208 Ed Pattison-Gordon 56764 464 96 0 96 1.00
C 208 John Skelton 62089 505 96 0 96 1.00
C 208 Terry Swift 74146 359 96 0 96 2.00
C 209 Mort Binstock 27182 Ind 93 0 93 3.00
C 209 Andrew Nigra 68712 Ind 93 0 93 9.00
C 209 Rachel Wickart 75768 117 0 93 93 5.16
C 210 Jim Fackert 53871 463 92 0 92 9.16
C 211 Larry Holmes 71885 523 88 0 88 2.00
C 211 Jon Burgstrum 76134 Ind 88 0 88 3.00
C 212 Tony Rossi 74205 503 84 0 84 1.00
C 212 Jim Sullins 71806 Ind 84 0 84 1.00
C 212 Stephen Wilson 75260 Ind 84 0 84 2.00
C 213 Donna Johnson 75514 430 0 83 83 5.16
C 214 Dan Hamilton 74529 571 80 0 80 1.00
C 215 Baron Black 74290 317 72 0 72 1.00
C 216 Jennifer Remy 75125 Ind 69 0 69 3.00
C 217 Jonathan Charbonneau 53871 117 60 0 60 1.00
C 218 Neal Baker Pending Ind 54 0 54 2.00
C 219 Jeffrey Deem 16741 527 52 0 52 1.00
C 220 Teresa Mondlock 76516 Ind 51 0 51 3.00
C 221 Ben Patrone 75997 471 48 0 48 1.00
C 221 Kirk Johnson Pending 205 48 0 48 3.00
C 221 John Pacente Pending Ind 48 0 48 3.00
C 221 Mike Talley Pending Ind 48 0 48 3.00
C 221 Ron Shipley 43595 Ind 48 0 48 3.00
C 222 Ron Ammons 50502 365 45 0 45 3.00
C 222 Corwin Craw 77502 Ind 45 0 45 3.00
C 223 John Shelton 62089 505 44 0 44 1.00
C 224 Mark Geislinger 74639 551 40 0 40 2.00
C 224 Bradford Wilson 70929 Ind 40 0 40 2.00
C 225 Dave Gibson 64941 Ind 39 0 39 3.00
C 225 Howard Jankey 74536 Ind 39 0 39 3.00
C 226 Alan Hancock 21334 308 36 0 36 6.00
C 227 John Buscaglia 27366 464 32 0 32 1.00
C 227 Alan Carroll 73942 527 32 0 32 1.00
C 227 Paul Snow 73024 Ind 32 0 32 1.00
C 227 Thomas Moorhead 73536 439 32 0 32 2.00
C 227 Bruce Weidner 64939 551 32 0 32 5.00
C 228 Ralph Simons 47629 505 26 0 26 1.00
C 229 Mike DeWaters 74505 Ind 24 0 24 2.00
C 229 Geoff Stanford 77018 534 24 0 24 2.00
C 229 Doug Pratt 17870 139 24 0 24 3.00
C 229 Dorothy Scherbinski 58834 500 24 0 24 3.00
C 229 Mike Walsh 75687 551 24 0 24 3.00
C 230 Jonathan Sivier 56437 527 23 0 23 1.00
C 231 Eric Ohmit 74545 Ind 22 0 22 2.00
C 232 Helen Rogers Pending Ind 21 0 21 3.00
C 232 Dan Holmes 71884 Ind 21 0 21 5.00
C 233 Norman Heyen 12755 Ind 20 0 20 2.00
C 233 Mark Simpson 71503 463 20 0 20 2.00
C 233 Jim Zalewski 73291 Ind 20 0 20 2.00
C 234 Dean Cory 75296 Ind 18 0 18 2.00
C 234 Ron Hale 76252 Ind 18 0 18 2.00
C 234 Chuck Layton 76149 Ind 18 0 18 2.00
C 234 Win Maynard, Sr 24181 Ind 18 0 18 2.00
C 235 Bill Geresy 63143 500 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 Matthew Klinge Pending 308 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 Michael Ludwig 74195 Ind 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 Larry Mills 74372 Ind 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 Steve Mizerany 69774 Ind 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 David Seer 76208 Ind 12 0 12 3.00
C 235 Edward Cass 75468 Ind 12 0 12 8.16
C 236 Todd Lainhart 19291 464 8 0 8 1.00
C 236 Sean Lannan 42785 464 8 0 8 1.00
C 236 Evan Ross 73462 464 8 0 8 1.00
C 236 Tony Vincent 45082 464 8 0 8 1.00
C 237 Ken Rollins 65726 Ind 4 0 4 1.00
C 238 John Barrett 57465 117 0 0 0 6.16
C 238 Charles Greenwood 58367 527 0 0 0 1.00
C 238 John Marvin 75392 565 0 0 0 6.16
C 238 Jonathan Skuba 75861 565 0 0 0 1.00
C 238 Richard White 75587 565 0 0 0 1.00
C 238 William Van Remmen 74300 Ind 0 0 0 2.00
C 238 Stan Huyge 65242 515 0 0 0 3.00
C 238 Rodney Riederer 75720 Ind 0 0 0 3.00
C 238 Gregory Sandras 74340 515 0 0 0 3.00
C 238 Greg Vose 73973 Ind 0 0 0 3.00
C 238 Michael Hellmund 26748 482 0 0 0 5.16
C 238 Todd Schneider 42644 515 0 0 0 5.16
C 238 Dan Stuettgen 22659 498 0 0 0 5.16
C 238 Alan Estenson 69539 576 0 0 0 5.16
C 238 Daniel Kafun 34920 Ind 0 0 0 5.16
C 238 Bryon Kromray 76700 Ind 0 0 0 5.16
Division Place Competitor NAR No. Section Pre-N NARAM Total CF
T 1 Why Us? T-109 519 6975 2555 9530 17.16
T 2 Dad & Lad T-089 585 7608 1879 9487 17.16
T 3 The Good, The Bad, T-111 558 6771 2050 8821 17.16
and The Ugly
T 4 Two Old COSROCS Guys T-057 515 6984 1348 8332 17.16
T 5 Bumbling Brothers T-011 463 4869 3272 8168 17.16
Flying Circus
T 6 Team Demolition T-711 519 4968 2983 7951 17.16
T 7 Paranoid Androids T-482 482 5697 873 6570 17.16
T 8 CHEDDAR-1 T-087 558 4134 822 4956 17.16
T 9 Snowballs Chance T-700 205 4608 0 4608 9.00
T 10 Ring Rocketry T-413 Ind 4023 0 4023 9.00
T 11 Saenz & Supak T-125 365 3786 0 3786 9.00
T 12 Trash Always Wins T-007 205 3708 0 3708 6.00
T 13 Murphy's Lawyers T-999 139 3434 0 3434 9.00
T 14 Illudium Q36 Explosive T-036 117 0 3257 3257 5.16
Space Modulators
T 15 Older But Wiser T-032 308 2952 0 2952 9.00
T 16 Jeckyll and Hyde renew 498 312 2260 2572 8.16
T 17 Southern Cruetron T-553 519 0 2534 2534 5.16
T 18 Red Baron T-911 Ind 2454 0 2454 6.00
T 19 Looney Techs T-115 571 2160 0 2160 3.00
T 20 Newton's Grandparents T-953 139 2120 0 2120 6.00
T 21 Duck & Cover T-696 Ind 2112 0 2112 3.00
T 22 Flaming Fins T-002 365 2097 0 2097 9.00
T 23 Marantha Christian Varsity T-586 585 2070 0 2070 9.00
T 24 Totally Bogus Dudes T-471 471 2058 0 2058 3.00
T 25 Kealakekua T-098 205 0 1987 1987 5.16
T 26 Grumpy Old Men T-255 139 1820 0 1820 6.00
T 27 Calvin And Hobbes T-721 205 0 1589 1589 5.16
T 28 Women of WOOSH T-558 Ind 1536 0 1536 3.00
T 29 Best of Launch Crue T-915 Ind 1407 0 1407 6.00
T 30 Flirtin w/ Disaster T-503 503 1392 0 1392 4.00
T 31 Hyperspace T-005 439 1324 0 1324 6.00
T 32 Boris & Natasha T-917 427 708 568 1276 8.16
T 33 T minus Zero T-585 585 864 0 864 3.00
T 34 Four Digit Guys T-043 139 744 0 744 3.00
T 35 S.A.V.E. T-571 571 582 0 582 3.00
T 36 BLT Pending 308 516 0 516 3.00
T 36 Los Locos Rocketeroos T-888 585 516 0 516 3.00
T 37 Moose and Squirrel T-218 117 0 377 377 5.16
T 38 Wolf Pack T-803 Ind 372 0 372 3.00
T 39 August Sky T-723 Ind 0 367 367 5.16
T 40 2 Launch Crue T-519 Ind 336 0 336 2.00
T 41 Sudden Impulse T-042 517 0 181 181 5.16
T 42 Glassmeisters Pending 136 0 0 0 1.00
Division Place Section Name Number Pre-N NARAM Total CF
S 1 NOVAAR 205 42279 22176 64455 17.16
S 2 Launch Crue 519 40626 13951 54577 17.16
S 3 CRASH 482 33684 20710 54394 17.16
S 4 WOOSH 558 35410 12334 47744 17.16
S 5 NARHAMS 139 34038 1839 35877 17.16
S 6 AARG 585 31224 2772 33996 17.16
S 7 NASA-Houston 365 26178 2675 28853 17.16
S 8 PSC 473 19083 2473 21556 17.16
S 9 COSROCS 515 17334 2407 19741 17.16
S 10 UROC 523 17248 1550 18798 13.16
S 11 HUVARS 463 12395 5449 17844 15.16
S 12 ASTRE 471 12050 0 12050 12.00
S 13 CSAR 113 11016 1022 12038 17.16
S 14 DARS 308 8052 2732 10784 17.16
S 15 SLRA 551 7170 1626 8796 15.16
S 16 TRFC 597 7646 0 7646 8.00
S 17 NIRA 117 1558 5709 7267 13.16
S 18 SOAR 571 4986 0 4986 4.00
S 19 MARS (NY) 136 3570 1085 4655 11.16
S 20 AMOREA 540 3954 672 4626 11.16
S 21 KOSMO 427 3615 991 4606 11.16
S 22 KCAR 505 3653 790 4443 10.16
S 23 SPAAR 503 2832 981 3813 12.16
S 24 SMASH 500 3484 0 3484 8.00
S 25 GSSS 439 2790 511 3301 12.16
S 26 Challenger 498 672 2260 2932 8.16
S 27 GAMMA 494 2358 0 2358 3.00
S 28 DART 317 2090 0 2090 4.00
S 29 SCAM 282 1125 382 1507 3.00
S 30 MASA 576 0 1486 1486 5.16
S 31 SCRA 430 0 1448 1448 5.16
S 32 SSS 505 0 1424 1424 5.16
S 33 SEANAR 568 0 1223 1223 5.16
S 34 ROC 538 0 1183 1183 5.16
S 35 BAYNAR 359 736 294 1030 7.16
S 36 CMASS 464 878 0 878 1.00
S 37 LUNAR 534 648 46 694 2.00
S 38 CIA 527 691 0 691 1.00
S 39 SARA 545 0 558 558 5.16
S 40 SEARS 572 342 0 342 3.00
S 41 FLARE 577 0 289 289 5.16
S 42 PHITS 565 200 0 200 6.16
S 43 Zia Spacemodelers 517 0 181 181 5.16
S 44 PARA 520 111 0 111 3.00