August 8th 2009
01 - 02 - 03 - 04

Here are the Night Launch pictures. Some of these just came our Seriously cool! So did some of the videos of the night launch (I have to get more practice doing those) George also got some very cool night shots (including of some of my rockets) Those are on his page.

This is one of mine with a 12" red neon tube CIMG8430.JPG CIMG8431.JPG CIMG8432.JPG
CIMG8442.JPG IMG_4190.JPG Wicked ehh? it was Pitch Black too the long exposure "brought out" the sky in a very cool way. IMG_4195.JPG
IMG_4196.JPG IMG_4198.JPG IMG_4200.JPG IMG_4201.JPG
IMG_4204.JPG IMG_4206.JPG IMG_4208.JPG

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