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Last modified:
7/17/2008 18:59:46
July 16 Update
Greetings to all that will be attending NARAM-50 and or the ORR. I want to take a minute and let you
know we have now surpassed over 400 people that have registered between the two events.
Some updates for you:
- I am asking you ( yes the burden is on you not me ) to bring your current NAR card with you to
registration if you are flying in the actual NARAM-50 contest or if you plan on flying HPR. If you do
not have your card we will have to get HQ to verify those who do not bring them. So if you have not paid
your NAR membership don't delay.
- The range layout has ben finalized. It will be very similiar to N-46 with the contest range being
closer in and the sport range being further out with the HPR range ( due to site dimensions ).
The opening weekend we will be flying sport launches up to "E" power from the contest range and the away
range will handle "F" up to "J" powered flights.
- We are going to have a huge 30x80-foot conrtestents tent for those that do not want to bring there own
shade. The store that is across from the facility will be ready and will be providing food. You wil be
able to pre-order lunch ahead of time more details still coming.
- I have invited attendees to a Commemorative sport launch on Sat at 11am. I have been told that
Bill Stine will be flying something from the Stine early collection. Vern and Gleda are also plning on
flying something from the early years. Several people heve also notified me that they will be bringing
an old model of some significance. I can't wait.
- We are currently penciled in for the local news channel showing up on Monday morning doing a series
of segments.
- We will have additional qty's of merchandise we were selling on line at the NARTS vendor area.
NARTS will be your HQ for all things from NARAM-50 including at the ORR. NARTS will also be selling
bottled water on the field in case you run short.
- The contestant packet will provide you with a copy of the week long schedule, the contest range duty
schedule, range rules, and several other items. I encourage you to review the range rules which are
mainly common sense items.
Looking forward to seeing you there