Naram 53
Youtube Channel

Naram 53
Schedule (txt)


Contest Results


Mobile Site

Official Naram

FAI Tryouts

Naram 54


August 10th 2011
Naram 53 is Finished. Status: Finished

Post Naram Goodies

I got some pictures from Dave Gilmore and Sean Guzek. they are online Post Naram

I also scanned the entire Contestant's Packet (7mb) its online and the Naram 54 Brochure is online.

I also got a bunch of VIDEO online from Friday scale day. all the 600 and 120 fps videos are up and some of the 720p video is up. I also got the 4 onboard flights added to WEDNESDAY onm youtube.

I finally found a non transcoding editor that will touch the stinking quicktime wrapper files I have SO I will get the rest of the 720p videos AND cut the manufacturer forum and awards videos and get the rest of them online as well. Stay Tuned.

Day 8 is Partially up
Full Contest Results online

Day 7 Online

Day 6 Online

Day 5 Tuesday - Online

Day 4 Monday - Online

George Gassaway's First
group of Pictures

FAI Flyoff Results

First day of Naram Competition.

Day 3 Online

FAI Flyoffs and Scale Turn in.

Day 2 Online

FAI Tryouts and Sportflying

Most Links are broken or weird as I build the new site....

Still want to see Last Years site ? Right over here...