Registration Forms

We have the registration form available in two formats, PDF for printing directly from our Web Site or as a downloadable Word Document.

IF you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view pdf files online, please take time out to download it now by clicking on the logo below. It is free.

If you are unfamiliar with viewing pdf files on-line, it does take a while at times for the file to load. Once it is done loading, with some browsers you may just get a blank page. If this happens, just double click on the url bar of your browser and hit enter and it will then show the page so you can print it out.

To print on one page, both sides, in the print window, change the page settings to Page 1 to 1 and when that page has printed, put the sheet back in the printer so that it will print on the other side and change the settings to Page 2 to 2.

Click here to view the pdf Registration Form.
Click here to download the zipped Word Document.

Have a Boy or Girl Scout working on a badge that building and flying a rocket can help? Have your Scout sign up for our kit class! We will provide documentation for their badge.

You may email Jo Ann to reserve a kit for class even if you are not a Scout! The class is for all beginners!!! Ages are for 10 and up.

Click here to view the pdf Registration Form.
Click here to download the zipped Word Document.